Jared’s tumblr

Jared’s tumblr

Hey! This is Lydia. Jared takes crazy good pictures with his Instagram thingie on his phone thingie.  Then he posts them to his tumblr thingie.  Ok, seriously though, he takes a lot of pictures of Cincinnati, particularly the Over the Rhine district, showcasing the beauty of the urban area we live in (and lots of great skyscapes).  Check it out!

Farewell, Honeymoon. Hello, Pizza!

Farewell, Honeymoon. Hello, Pizza!

Tonight I made a mostly from scratch pizza, with fresh tomatoes, basil and mozzarella. It was relatively quick, easy, cheap, and healthy, so I’d call that a win-win-win-win. Or something.

While we’re sad to see our non-stop, together all the time… time come to an end, we’re incredibly excited by the mere thought that really, this is just the beginning. Our house is on it’s way to becoming our home, we’re all 3 on our way to becoming a family (because, let’s be honest, that’s going to take some work), and we’re on the verge of creating a whole new life together. There’s something incredibly powerful in that thought, and in making it our reality.

There’s a lot of love here.

Beef Ramen, an experiment.

Beef Ramen, an experiment.

Tonight we tried something new with something old. We’re all fans of ramen, right? Right. This family also happens to enjoy the trippy film Ponyo. After watching Ponyo the other night, we decided we wanted to try out the ramen cooking method shown in the film (we don’t care that it was animated, it still looked delicious!). We took Maruchan beef ramen noodles and the seasoning packets included, along with fresh, thinly sliced beef, scallions, chopped carrots, an egg, and a pinch of basil, and poured boiling water over the dish. We let it sit covered for about 3-4 minutes, and, just to be safe, put each dish in the microwave for about 2 minutes to cook everything through. What we ended up with was easily the best bowl of ramen ANY of us have had, and I’m more than certain I’ll never eat ramen – regardless of how easy it is – any other way.